It's now the new year and I am very positive and hopeful for a bright one! Maintaining a positive attitude can be difficult at times, especially when the daily news is so full of "bad people" as my 8-year-old son calls them, and how the media seems to concentrate on negative events, crime, and such. I truly enjoy watching shows like CBS Sunday Morning, which posts stories on real people or history or current events in a factual fashion. And I can never get enough of Ben Stein telling it like it is.
For the past few days, everyone is talking about how bad the past decade was. It is what you make of it! I try to think of the positive, find that silver lining in everything. As I look back, every time I hit a rock in the road, the unexpected turn onto that side road led to something so much better. I've lost jobs several times due to corporate downsizing or restructuring, only to find a better one. I married the wrong guy, but then found my soulmate. So we must keep that positive attitude, something better is bound to be around the corner, whether it's finding that job, that mate, or the economy! To the media pyranhas out there, here is my message--please stop accentuating what's bad and start concentrating on the people that are helping to do good in the world. There are many of them out there!
Okay, I'm done now, I just had to get that off my chest. Now I can concentrate on making 2010 the best year ever! And what can you expect from us? We've been researching in our spare some of our customers' requests. So new products are on the horizon. And we hope to make a few small changes to our website, mostly behind the scenes. Everything we do is to make a better experience for everything Heaven and Earth Essentials! And of course, we will continue to take your suggestions. Thank you for everything in the past year, and we hope to continue to work with you in the future!
New products what's coming??