Thursday, August 26, 2010

3 Ways to Select the Perfect Fragrance

How do you select the perfect fragrance? This is a question we at Heaven and Earth Essentials often get from our customers. "It all sounds so good, but I can't smell it over the Internet, so how do I decide?"

There are several ways to do this. One is by the process of deduction. In other words, YOU know deep down inside what kinds of fragrances you like--maybe it's vanilla, or florals, or something dark with Patchouli in it. On our website, we've categorized our scents to help you narrow down the options. Then when you are in that category, you can think of the next type of scent you like--maybe you really like vanilla, but with a floral twist. So look in the Vanillas and Buttercreams category, then look for florals within that group.

Another way to find that perfect scent is to use the Search field in the upper-right corner of our website. For example, you could type in Hyacinth and every scent or product with Hyacinth in it will be displayed.

A third way to find that perfect scent is to ask. We've had many customers ask us if we "have a scent that has this, that, smells like a sunset,...", etc. Or when you place an order, ask for a sample of a specific scent. Don't be shy--it's actually easier for us if you specify a scent for your sample, than for us to guess what you might like. (We do try to match up your sample to what you've ordered.)

So now you should be able to find that perfect scent. Of course, if you're like me, you might want to have a bunch of favorites! I'm a dessert foodie and love, love, love everything that smells like a fattening, decadent dessert! Currently I love Orange Chiffon Cake, Coconut Truffle, Tortured Soul, Dangerous Elation, and Gentle Breeze (the Golden Amber in it is just like dessert to me).

What's your favorite?

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